Baotou Aluminum power station

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Baotou Aluminum power station (中铝包头铝业自备热电厂) is an operating power station of at least 1710-megawatts (MW) in Lvye Road, Donghe, Baotou, Inner Mongolia, China. It is also known as (东河热电厂二期 (Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5), 华云新材料自备电厂) (Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5), Baotou Aluminium power station (Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5), Guodian Donghe power station (Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5), 东河热电一期 (Unit 1, Unit 2).


Table 1: Project-level location details

Plant name Location Coordinates (WGS 84)
Baotou Aluminum power station Lvye Road, Donghe, Baotou, Inner Mongolia, China 40.557202, 110.148382 (exact)

The map below shows the exact location of the power station.

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Unit-level coordinates (WGS 84):

  • Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5: 40.557202, 110.148382

Project Details

Table 2: Unit-level details

Unit name Status Fuel(s) Capacity (MW) Technology Start year
Unit 1 Operating coal: unknown 330 subcritical 2014
Unit 2 Operating coal: unknown 330 subcritical 2014
Unit 3 Operating coal: unknown 350 supercritical 2017
Unit 4 Operating coal: unknown 350 supercritical 2017
Unit 5 Operating coal: unknown 350 supercritical 2017

Table 3: Unit-level ownership and operator details

Unit name Owner Parent
Unit 1 Baotou Aluminium Co Ltd [100%] Aluminum Corporation of China Ltd [100.0%]
Unit 2 Baotou Aluminium Co Ltd [100%] Aluminum Corporation of China Ltd [100.0%]
Unit 3 Inner Mongolia Huayun New Material Co Ltd [100%] Aluminum Corporation of China [50.0%]; Aluminum Corporation of China Ltd [50.0%]
Unit 4 Inner Mongolia Huayun New Material Co Ltd [100%] Aluminum Corporation of China [50.0%]; Aluminum Corporation of China Ltd [50.0%]
Unit 5 Inner Mongolia Huayun New Material Co Ltd [100%] Aluminum Corporation of China [50.0%]; Aluminum Corporation of China Ltd [50.0%]

Project-level captive use details

  • Captive industry use (heat or power): both
  • Captive industry: Aluminum
  • Non-industry use: heat

Background on Project

Baotou Aluminum is a 2 x 330 MW captive coal plant in Donghe.[1] Construction began in 2012. After a temporary suspension for unauthorized construction in 2013,[2] the plant was put into operation in June 2014.[3]


The second phase 3x350MW project started construction in April 2016.[4] The 3 units are expected to be operating in July, September, and November 2017, respectively.[5]

The three units were completed in June 2017.[6]

Expansion suspended, then revived

July 2017: Expansion postponed by government

In July 2017, the NEA released the "Guideline of Supply-Side Reform of the Coal Power Bubble". The Guideline included a draft list which slowed down or halted 185 coal-burning units across 21 provinces, totaling 107 GW. 114 coal units (65 GW) are ordered to slow down the construction progress during 2017 to 2020, and are not allowed to connect to the grid in 2017. In addition, 71 coal units (42 GW) were halted indefinitely for regulation violations. The list partly overlapped with the projects listed in the January NEA letter to 13 provinces.[7]

Baotou Aluminum power station Units 3 & 5 are among the postponed coal-burning units, and unit 4 was halted.[7] It is unclear if the units will need to suspend operations, since they have already been completed.

For more information, see China's 2016/2017 Restrictions on Development of Coal-Fired Power Capacity.

September 2017: Suspension lifted on units 3 & 5

After political negotiations, China's National Energy Administration (NEA) released an updated list of postponed and halted coal projects on September 26, 2017. The new list contained 151 units totaling 95 gigawatts (GW). Baotou Aluminum power station Units 3 & 5 were no longer on the list, only unit 4. It therefore appears only unit 4's operation is affected.[8]

However, since 2019 all units have been operating, including unit 4.[9]

Articles and Resources


  1. "包头铝业华云电厂项目人员招聘公告," CHALCO, Mar 24, 2016
  2. "环保部叫停包头铝业热电联产项目", 钢联资讯, 2013-07-29
  3. "2014包头市重点建设项目:铝相关竣工开工一览", 内蒙古矿业网, 2014-06-28
  4. "华北院公司监理的华云新材料自备热电联产机组工程正式开工" China Engineering Consulting Group Co, Ltd, April 6 2016
  5. "內蒙古華雲新材料50萬噸合金鋁產品結構調整升級技術改造項目穩步進行," Caijing, April 14, 2017
  6. "华云热电联产机组投产启动 华云三大工程全部建成投产," CNAL, 2017-06-30
  7. 7.0 7.1 "16部委联合发文防范化解煤电产能过剩风险,", 2017-08-03
  8. "2017年分省煤电停建和缓建项目名单," Sohu, 2017-10-12
  9. "勇攀高峰立标杆铝资讯-有色金属新闻-中国有色网-中国有色金属报主办". 2019-11-05. Retrieved 2020-12-14.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)

Additional data

To access additional data, including an interactive map of coal-fired power stations, a downloadable dataset, and summary data, please visit the Global Coal Plant Tracker on the Global Energy Monitor website.