GOGPT Brief 2024 Methodology

From Global Energy Monitor

The data is gathered from Global Energy Monitor's February 2024 Global Oil and Gas Plant Tracker (GOGPT) data release.


As detailed in GOGPT's Methodology page, the following status definitions are used for projects in development:

Announced: Projects that have been publicly reported but have not yet moved actively forward by applying for permits or seeking land, material, or financing.

Pre-Construction: Projects that are actively moving forward in seeking governmental approvals, land rights, or financing.

Construction: Equipment installation has begun (not just clearing/roads).


The "GEM Estimate" line in Figure 1 shows GEM's estimate of the global oil and gas operating capacity using the following assumptions:

  • Total installed capacity from power plants in construction with “not found” value as a start date were distributed evenly over 4 years between 2024-2027.
  • The total installed capacity from pre-construction power plants with “not found” value as a start date were distributed evenly over 7 years between 2024-2030.
  • The total installed capacity from announced power plants with “not found” value as a start date were distributed evenly over 10 years between 2024-2033.
  • Operating power plants with “not found” value as a start year were assigned a start year according to the average age of operating plants with the same technology and region.
  • Power plants with announced planned retirements were assumed to retire at the reported date.
  • Power plants in development are assumed to have a lifespan of 30 years.
  • Operating power plants with a start year prior to 1994 are assumed to be decommissioned 5 years after the lifespan of steam turbines (56 years).
  • Operating power plants are assumed to have the following lifespans based on their operating technology, and then decommissioned:
    • Combined Cycle (including ICCC and ISCCC): 30 years
    • Gas Turbine (GT): 30 years
    • Steam Turbine (ST): 56 years
    • Internal Combustion (IC): 30 years
    • Not found: 30 years