Jellinbah Resources

From Global Energy Monitor
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Jellinbah Resources is a subsidiary of Queensland Coal Mine Management Pty Ltd (QCMM) to "develop and market product coals (low volatile PCI coal, semi-soft coking coal and thermal coal) from QCMM coal mines in Queensland."[1]

Coal projects

Jellinbah Resources Pty Ltd operates the Jellinbah East Mine in the Bowen Basin of central Queensland, Australia.

It also is investigating the potential of developing the Lake Vermont Coal Project which is located 60 Km south-east of Moranbah. The proposed mine, which is subject to a feasibility study, has a notional commissioning date of 2013. The project would produce 4 million tonnes a year of coal and cost $200 million to construct. The project would employ 1500 during construction and 100 when operating.[2]

Contact details

Jellinbah Resources Pty Ltd
Level 7, Comalco Place
12 Creek Street
Brisbane Qld 4000

Postal Address:

Jellinbah Resources Pty Ltd
GPO Box 374
Brisbane Qld 4001
Phone: +61 (0) 7 3877 6700 - delete (0) if calling from outside Australia
Facsimile: +61 (0) 7 3220 1101 - delete (0) if calling from outside Australia Website:

Articles and resources


  1. Jellinbah Resources, "About Us", Jellinbah Resources website, accessed August 2010.
  2. Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, "Minerals and energy: Major development projects", April 2010. (Pdf)

Related articles

External resources

External articles