Narama mine

From Global Energy Monitor

The Narama mine is an open cut coal mine located approximately 25km northwest of Singleton within the Hunter Valley of NSW, midway between the townships of Singleton and Muswellbrook.[1]


On its website Xstrata Coal states that "Ravensworth West is a further 2km to the west of the Narama Mine. Coal mining in the Ravensworth area first began in 1972 at the Ravensworth No.2 Open Cut mine to supply coal under contract to Pacific Power (previously known as the Electricity Commission of NSW). Xstrata Coal acquired 100% of Narama in 2007, having bought the remaining interests from Iluka Resources."[1]

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  1. 1.0 1.1 United Collieries, "Narama", Xstrata Coal website, accessed August 2010.

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