Tavan Tolgoi Inc

From Global Energy Monitor

Tavan Tolgoi Inc is a Mongolian company which is mining a part of the Tavan tolgoi coal deposit in Tsogttsetsii soum (district) of South Gobi province in Southern Mongolia. On its website the company states that in 2004 it produced 2.9 million tons of coal and that in 2007 1 million tonnes were exported to China.[1]

The content of the company's website is now rather dated, with the most recent posting on the home page announcing the then forthcoming shareholders meeting in May 2009. Nor does the company's website state what title it holds over what part of the Tavan Tolgoi deposit. The history section of the company's website is not available in English)[2]


A small part of the Tavan Togloi deposit was mined by the Ministry of Industry of the Mongolian government until 1967 when it was transferred to a government owned enterprise. On December 5,1994 the Tavan Tolgoi coalmine was privatised.[3]

In a 1995 review of the country's energy policy, the World Bank noted that there was a small mine producing coal for local heating plants.[4]

A 2009 World Bank report referred to a "joint venture between the aimag [provincial] government and Qinhua currently operates a small mine within the Tsanki coalfield, trucking about 1 million tons of coal per year to the Chinese border."[5]

Contact details

Website: http://www.tavantolgoi.mn/?lang=english#7532MetawiseCMS

Articles and resources


  1. Tavan Tolgoi Inc, "History of the deposit", Tavan Tolgoi Inc website, accessed March 2011.
  2. Tavan Tolgoi Inc, "Hom page", Tavan Tolgoi Inc website, accessed March 2011.
  3. "Our background", Tavan Tolgoi Inc website, accessed March 2011.
  4. Mongolia Energy Sector Review, World Bank, November 3, 1995, page 19.
  5. World Bank, "Southern Mongolia Infrastructure Strategy", International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, August 2009, page 28. (Pdf)

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