Coal-to-Liquids in China

From Global Energy Monitor

In March 2007 the Director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Steven Chu told a U.S. Senate Commitee on Finance that

"Ironically, and unfortunately from a climate perspective, China is also looking to coal as an alternative to oil, and proposals for over 60 million tons of coal-to-liquids (CTL) capacity (about 1.2 million barrels per day) have been submitted for review. The consequence of this program, if carried out, would be dramatic. Nearly a quarter-billion tons of additional coal would have to be mined for fuel and feedstock, and substantial new water resources found to supply the plants. Also, no plans for carbon capture have been announced, despite the fact that CTL-derived vehicle fuels result in three times the CO2 emissions compared to petroleum-based fuels."[1]

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  1. Steven Chu, "Testimony - "Opportunities and Challenges in the U.S.-China Economic Relationship", U.S. Senate Committee on Finance, March 27, 2007.

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