Port of Huanghua

From Global Energy Monitor

Port of Huanghua, also known as the Port of Cangzhou Huanghua, is a deepwater international seaport in Hebei Province, People's Republic of China.

The port mainly ships coal and has an ongoing expansion.[1]


The port is on the coast of Huanghua in Cangzhou Prefecture. It is located on the south side of the Bohai Bay, 90 km from Cangzhou city.

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The port is owned by national coal mining and energy company China Shenhua. Huanghua port mainly ships coal from mines owned by Shenhua in western coal-rich provinces like Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia. Shenhua mainly transport its coal via the self-owned Shenmu-Shuozhou and Shuozhou-Huanghua railways to Huanghua port, which are then shipped to end users in the southern coastal provinces.[2]

The port's Phase 1 Coal Terminal has annual throughput capacity of 30 million tonnes per annum (mtpa). Phase 2 has throughput capacity of 65 mtpa.[3] Phase 3 added 50 mtpa, and was approved in 2012.[4]

In 2012 the port handled 104 million tonnes of coal.[5] In 2013 the port handled 127.4 million tonnes of coal, accounting for 80% of China Shenhua's total seaborne coal sales that year.[6]

In September 2014 China Shenhua completed a 50 mtpa expansion, for a total capacity at the port of 200 mtpa.[2]

In December 2020, it was reported that an average of 500,000 metric tons of thermal coal was transported from the port every day to meet the demand from fossil-fuel power plants in southern China.[7] This would represent 182.5 million tonnes per annum.


In August 2020, a planned began construction. The expansion project will add 33 million tonnes of capacity to the port (not just for coal), bringing the total capacity to 290 million tonnes (including other materials, as well as coal).[8] The project has an investment of 5.25 billion RMB ($812 million USD).[9] There is no scheduled completion date as of yet.

Handling history

  • 2006: 79.2 mt
  • 2007: 81.2 mt
  • 2008: 78.2 mt
  • 2009: 77.9 mt
  • 2010: 87.2 mt
  • 2011: 83.3 mt
  • 2012: 95.6 mt
  • 2013: 127.4 mt
  • 2014: 142.5 mt
  • 2015: 120 mt
  • 2016: 192.5 mt [10] [11] [12]

Port Details

  • Operator: China Shenhua
  • Location: Cangzhou Prefecture, Hebei province, China
  • Annual Coal Capacity (Tonnes per year): 200 million
  • Status: Operating
  • Type: Domestic
  • Coal source: Shenhua coal mines in western provinces, including Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia



黄骅港正在规划建设吞吐能力为1亿吨的煤五期工程,意图将黄骅港的煤炭吞吐能力在“十三五”末提高到3亿吨. [13]


黄骅港位于河北省与山东省交界处,地处沧州市区以东约90公里的渤海之滨,陆上距黄骅市区约45公里,水上北距天津60海里。漳卫新河、宣惠河的大口河在此交汇入海。 黄骅港距离黄河入海口230公里,地处淤泥质海岸,海水回淤严重,近岸海域泥沙含量较高,每年要进行清淤作业。5万吨位以上船舶完货后,需要乘潮出港。 黄骅港由杂货港区、煤炭港区、综合港区和河口港区4个港区组成。拥有生产性泊位40个,其中万吨级以上泊位33个。港口主体是神华集团的煤炭专用港口。神华黄骅港务有限责任公司是黄骅港的项目法人,由神华集团和河北建设投资公司共同出资组建,其中神华占70%,河北建投占30%。 黄骅港是中国北方主要的煤炭下水港之一,是山西与冀中南地区运距最短的出海口。“西煤东运”第二条通道”神朔黄铁路(陕西神木至黄骅港)直通港口。另有邯黄铁路、黄万铁路、沧港铁路、黄大铁路(正建)将黄骅港与河北、天津地区连接。[14] 港口行政管理部门为沧州市交通运输局,沧州市港航管理局。











黄骅港为神华集团控股经营,是神华自产煤炭的下水主通道,也是神华集团矿、路、港、航、电一体化经营的一环。来自陕西、山西、内蒙古等地区的神华准混煤,经由神华集团自有的神朔黄铁路运至黄骅港,经此转运至南方省市的接收码头。 黄骅港现有煤炭运输能力1.83亿吨/年,有17个煤炭装船泊位,场地堆存能力700万吨。 港口设计之初主要以运输神华大宗优质煤炭为主。2015年9月,准池铁路开通后,内蒙古鄂尔多斯及陕北地区煤炭通过“准池-朔黄线”外运至黄骅港的运距,要比经大秦线外运至其他环渤海港口的运距减少30-500公里。准格尔地区煤炭从“准池线-朔黄线-黄骅港”下水的铁路运费也比“大准线-大秦线-环渤海港口”要低15元/吨左右,吸引了准混、伊泰(伊泰集团)等优质煤炭进入黄骅港下水中转。根据运输协议,2016年有2000万吨准混煤和1200万吨伊泰煤改由“准池线-朔黄线-黄骅港”下水。[16] 2016年,由神华港务公司运营的黄骅港煤炭港区完成吞吐量183.675mt,同比增长47.77%。这一年黄骅港共完成煤炭吞吐量192.5mt,第一次超越秦皇岛港,成为中国第一大煤炭运输港。[17]


Articles and resources


  1. "黄骅港年吞吐量同比增," cqcoal.com, 2014年01月10日
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Huanghua port Phase IV to kick off operation at end-Sep," China Coal Resource, Sep 24, 2014
  3. "Coal Terminals," CCCC First Harbor Consultants, accessed June 2015
  4. "Huanghua port new coal terminal gains nod," China Coal Resource, Dec 5, 2012
  5. "Qinhuangdao Port Global Research," UBS, 15 January 2014
  6. "Port Data," China Shenhua website, accessed June 2015
  7. "Huanghua Port in China helps ensure coal supply". english.www.gov.cn. 2020-12-23. Retrieved 2021-07-21.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  8. Si, Katherine (2020-08-20). "Huanghua port to add 33m cargo handling capacity". Seatrade Maritime. Retrieved 2021-07-21.
  9. "Huanghua Port is about to start construction of 6 terminals". Seetao. 2020-05-07. Retrieved 2021-07-21.
  10. "中国神华港口业务数据总览"China Shenhua, 2014
  11. "黄骅港2016年货物吞吐量同比增长四成多"沧州日报, 2017-1-11
  12. "“汽运煤”退场与沿海煤运"武汉航运交易所, 2017-06-15
  13. "环渤海主要港口煤炭运能分析"新浪财经, 2015-1-29
  14. "黄骅港"百度百科
  15. "黄骅港提前34天完成年度煤炭下水任务量"新华社, 2016-11-29
  16. "黄骅港为何异军突起?"2016-3-10 秦皇岛煤炭网
  17. "秦港、黄骅港2017年谁将是第一运煤大港?"2017-03-02 中国煤炭资源网

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Wikipedia also has an article on Port of Huanghua. This article may use content from the Wikipedia article under the terms of the GFDL.